The Pauper’s Cookbook and The Country Kitchen, china, compost heaps, cold frames & – country life by Jason Goodwin
Ever since I wrote Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire, I’ve been brooding. On the face of it the Ottomans had precious little to shout about, though they ruled from the...
On delighting in cracked, chipped, ‘Rescued’ things and coming back to her old family house in Scotland, by Domenica More Gordon
It is an odd thing to find yourself living back in your childhood house at the age of 40 with your parents and your own young family and husband. Sometimes as I walk through...
House, hearth, home and garden by Bridget Elworthy (@thelandgardeners)
An Argentinian cousin of my fathers once said to me - you do not choose a house - it chooses you. And I have to say she was totally right. Having moved rather a lot...
A Wandering Eye, With Min Hogg in Gran Canaria, by Miguel Flores-Vianna
I met Min at my friends Charlotte and Alex de Carcaci, in their old Cheyne Row house, a freezing evening in February of 2012. Having recently moved to England I had been dying to meet...
For the Love of Houses by Veere Grenney
Veere Grenney is the interior decorator feted for his chic, very English style. Our friendship began half a dozen years ago when he asked me to help with On Decorating, the book he was...
Egyptomania, Portobello Market, Camels, Whippets and Ottoman textiles, At home in London by Lulu Lytle
The first time I saw Lulu Lytle she was delivering the Best Man's speech at Ben Pentreath's wedding supper in a very beautiful hat. I didn't know a great deal then about Soane Britain,...
Friends, not Chickens, by Jasper Conran
The designer Jasper Conran O.B.E. is the author of Country ( Conran Octopus, 2010), still the very best book of its kind and a subject on which he is eloquent. He says that country...
Seaweed, Smoking and Scale, the Importance Of : Molly Alexander remembers her great aunt, Min Hogg.
Feted as the inventor-founder-editor of The World of Interiors magazine, in later life Min Hogg reinvented herself as the proud designer of an exquisite range of seaweed pattern wallpapers. Professionally she was often fierce, but...
Gavin Houghton, On Wallpaper, The World of Interiors, Painted Floors, Jack Russells – and Darren.
I found my house in Stockwell 20 years ago. It’s an early Victoria terraced house second from the end, with steps up to the apple green front door and a ground floor bay window on...
On Moving House (for the Fourth Time) to half an Elizabethan House with a ‘Jennifer Archer ‘ Kitchen – and hanging sill-length curtains…By Isabel Bannerman.
The bibleobritishtaste has asked what it is that one does turning to a new place and re-using all the leftovers for the fourth time in a lifetime . I would like to point out...