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England’s Glory matches, vintage unopened pack of 12 boxes & a large full box of Swan Vestas.

30th March 2021|

1 unopened paper package containing 12 boxes. Advertising slogans printed on the packaging include, ' SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES, EMPLOY BRITISH LABOUR, EVERY BOX OF ENGLAND"S GLORY MATCHES YOU USE MEANS MORE WORK FOR BRITISH WORK PEOPLE. PRICE 3D.' 4.5 x 3 x 2 ins. And 1 unused and full box of Swan Vestas. 2 x 3 ins. UK postage and packing charged at cost.

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Football hooligans, football pin-ups? Charles Buchan’s Football magazine, 3 copies, 1956. 1957, 1960

1st March 2023|

Football history!  Three near perfect copies of this historic football document chock-full of pull-out pin-ups and legendary goal shots interspersed with journalism and stories. Team shots, mug shots and players in the bath, very amusing advertising too. A good read. 22x 28 cm.

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SOLD: Nymphs and Shepherds, Rococo in the manner of Rex Whistler, small Huntley and Palmer biscuit tin or tea caddy

1st March 2023|

A pretty little tin in near perfect condition but with signs of age, mid C20th, 'baby' blue with vignettes of amorous eighteenth century types in flowery-bowery surroundings, pastorals and idylls galore, 15 x 10 x 10h.

Comments Off on SOLD: Nymphs and Shepherds, Rococo in the manner of Rex Whistler, small Huntley and Palmer biscuit tin or tea caddy

Pair of delightful scallop edge ‘landskip’ transferware plates, Imperial colour’d landscape, J.C.

30th March 2021|

Unusual brown transferware with pink and blue colour pair of mid C19th plates, decorated with lovers by a lake in a landscape, one marked with a very roccoco cartouche enclosing the pottery factory mark Imperial Colour'd Landscape J.C.  - for Joseph Clementson 1839-64. Earthenware manufacturer at the Phoenix Works and (from 1856) also at the Bell Works Hanley (Shelton), Stoke on Trent. Clementson retired in 1867 and passed the business to his four sons and his son in law who continued the business as Clementson Bros. So pretty on a bedroom wall. 10.5 ins. diameter UK postage and packing charged at cost.

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Sailor Girl – the unknown sailor, cross-dresser

18th December 2022|

Sepia Victorian studio portrait taken in Camberwell, London, an insouciant sailor-girl posing with a cigarette in a crowded studio mise-en-scene, the Union Jack flying behind her, intended as a gift for a sweetheart or naval-brother? Or a student/model demonstrating a stock studio pose? Or a bit of sauciness? Very jolly!  Measures 11 x 17 cm with a crease half way down see photos

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SOLD : Genuine and Original hand painted fairground signboard, ‘3 shots 50p,’1970s

30th March 2021|

'KNOCK 3 DOWN TO WIN.' Handpainted showman's fairground sign. Red, yellow, black and green on cream ground. Painted on hardboard with two string fastenings. The 50 pence piece was introduced in to the coinage in 1969, so this fairground sign probably dates from the 1970s, and would have become obsolete once prices increased with inflation. 24 x 14.5 ins. UK Carrier charged at cost or buyer collects from NW5.

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SOLD : Wedgwood black basalt teapot, sugar bowl and jug (set of 3)

18th March 2021|

NOW SOLD Black basalt ware ribbed teapot and lidded sugar bowl by Wedgwood, both with Sibyl finials to lids, matching milk jug, the teapot with an extraordinarily long spout, in perfect condition, probably C20th, UK Carrier charged at cost, or buyer collects from London NW5  

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SOLD: ‘Festival of Britain, 1951.’ A vividly coloured needlework map of Great Britain mounted on board.

4th March 2021|

'Festival of Britain, 1951.' A vividly coloured needlework map of Great Britain mounted on board, featuring Scotsman with bagpipes, a Welsh Harpist, A Cornish fisherman smoking, a mermaid and other jollities. The festival was a national exhibition held in Britain in the summer of 1951; it was organised by the government to give Britons a feeling of recovery in the aftermath of war and to promote the British contribution to science, technology, industrial design, architecture and the arts. One of the national newspapers had the idea of giving away a free sampler pattern to its readers, a map of Britain designed all over with emblems and symbols of national products, local characters, famous landmarks etc. Many of these were worked up in bright embroidery silks and frames. This example has been stitch mounted onto cardboard by the original maker. 24 x 36 cm. UK Postage and packing £6.99

Comments Off on SOLD: ‘Festival of Britain, 1951.’ A vividly coloured needlework map of Great Britain mounted on board.

SOLD: Birds of Britain, (set of 6) brush, pen and cache pots by Portmerion Pottery,

17th November 2020|

SOLD. Birds of Britain series, Goldfinch, Nightingale, Blue Tit, Robin, Willow/Sedge Warbler, Linnet, the illustrations for this range were taken from the book Natural History of British Birds by Edward Donovan, published in 1794. Forty birds were featured in the collection, which was not fashionable in the sense of the following trend, but this probably helped its longevity as it did not date and look old fashioned. Lovely bright, characterful pictures: each cache pot measures 10cm tall x 8cm diameter. Sold as a set of 6, UK Carrier/ Postage and packing charged at cost or buyer collects from London NW5.

Comments Off on SOLD: Birds of Britain, (set of 6) brush, pen and cache pots by Portmerion Pottery,

SOLD: Covered ceramic dish or cache-pot, with the crest of Clare College Cambridge

1st March 2023|

Pretty late Victorian or Edwardian soap, muffin, or covered dish in 2 pieces,  both perfect, with foliate pattern of flowers and tendrils in russet reds highlighted with gold. Relic, theft or liberated keepsake of some long-gone alumni of Clare College Cambridge in the days when undergraduates enjoyed the upper-middle-class, serviced and monogrammed  style of college life, a useful souvenir? Measures approx. 18 cm in diameter.

Comments Off on SOLD: Covered ceramic dish or cache-pot, with the crest of Clare College Cambridge

SOLD: Folk art, unique engraved 3 mast schooner after alfred wallis, signed and dated 1978.

30th March 2021|

A marvelous, unique thing, bought many years ago in a Lewes junk shop, provenance unknown. Masts, rigging, lifeboats, sails and textures all finely delineated on a pillowy sea. Made to stand on a window sill or mantelpiece, a Pop Art interpretation of one of Laurence Whistler's etched glass masterworks, but on a perspex block? Signed bottom right corner, 'OX 78'. Measures 7.5 x6 ins. on a heavy, chunky block approx. 2 ins. thick. UK Carriage /postage charged at cost or buyer collects from London NW5.

Comments Off on SOLD: Folk art, unique engraved 3 mast schooner after alfred wallis, signed and dated 1978.

SOLD: How to Make Soft Material Lampshades, the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, 1963

1st March 2023|

This does exactly what it says, a small informative pamphlet with instructions and simple diagrams, teaching the thrifty British housewife home to beautify her British home with economy and dexterity.  Still useful the method has not changed. 6 page pamphlet, 12 x 20 cm

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SOLD: Jubilee shopper, gaudily beautiful in 1970s pvc, a brand new British product in 1977

1st March 2023|

In near perfect unused condition with one surface mark ( see photos) , a shopping bag for or a tote bag for a Coronation-day  picnic,  unique survival of the  1977  patriotic frenzy that marked Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee, measures 40 x 45 cm.

Comments Off on SOLD: Jubilee shopper, gaudily beautiful in 1970s pvc, a brand new British product in 1977

SOLD: Players Navy Cut, sealed, unopened tin of 50 cigarettes, NAAFI, WW2.

30th March 2021|

Players Navy Cut. A sealed and unopened tin of 50 'Medium' cigarettes, mid century. Packaging and product designed for the NAAFI armed services Field Gear during WW2 to preserve them in a fresh condition in tropical countries or for the overseas export market. John Player and Sons. Castle Tobacco Factory. '...Absolutely free from adulteration.'...This tin being perfectly air-tight, preserved the contents in perfect condition.' The Imperial Tobacco Company. 3.25 x 2.75 ins. U.K. Postage and packaging charged at cost.

Comments Off on SOLD: Players Navy Cut, sealed, unopened tin of 50 cigarettes, NAAFI, WW2.

SOLD: Quality Street, Raoul Dufy 1920s fashion plates, Rowntree Mackintosh best before 1985

3rd March 2023|

This quintessentially Briths product is a cylindrical Rowntree Mackintosh Quality Street tin illustrated with Raoul Dufy's (1877-1953) fashion designs of the 1920s.,a would-be chic variant on the usual crinoline ladies and their Regency bucks with which these tins were traditionally decorated. Dufy's drawings illustrate summer modes for the roaring 20s against a jolly nautical backdrop.  In good condition with its original paper labels of 1985. I'd fill it with Quality Street and give it to a greedy friend. Diameter 12 cm and 18 cm high.

Comments Off on SOLD: Quality Street, Raoul Dufy 1920s fashion plates, Rowntree Mackintosh best before 1985

SOLD: Royal Wedding portrait profiles, Diana and Charles by Arnold Machin for Wedgwood, 1981. (family group of 3)

9th September 2021|

These dear little Wedgwood-blue dishes were made to celebrate the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981. Arnold Machin was the artist responsible for sculpting their profiles, since he had already made the genuinely 'iconic ' relief profiles of Queen Elizabeth II for reproduction on every postage stamp printed by the Royal Mail and every coin of the realm minted in the Royal Mint. 1 penny piece for scale. Group together on a wall  or on a table top.?Or a modest gift for a birthday or house party. UK postage and packing charged at cost.

Comments Off on SOLD: Royal Wedding portrait profiles, Diana and Charles by Arnold Machin for Wedgwood, 1981. (family group of 3)

SOLD: Textile picture of a Jacobean country house, c.1960

21st March 2022|

Skilfully stitched and effective collage on green hessian panel,  terracotta hessian, various braids and edging and a small foliate tapestry panel for the front door. The house with clock tower and Dutch gables has some similarities to Blicking Hall in Norfolk. Measure 65 x 50 cm, good  condition.

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