Barbour – Green is the colour.
Black Barbour jackets are on trend in Cobham, Crouch End and the Cotswolds. That's why you should stick to your old green one. [All images : copyright ]
Huntin’ table.
Bombadier beer by Wells and Young at the Eagle Brewery Bedford and 20 Woodbines. [All images : copyright ]
Rose Hilton’s studio in Newlyn, West Penwith.
Rose Hilton paints every day in her studio in Newlyn. Her retrospective show was at Tate St. Ives in 2008. One of a large family brought up in the Plymouth Brethren, she was a prize...
Buck the Trend. Epitaph added, December 2014.
- and live happily ever after the end. [All images : copyright ] Epitaph for a lovely house, a work of genius that was...
The Anthony Shaw Collection.
Every surface on the lower floors of the small terraced house in which Anthony Shaw grew up used to display pieces from his collection. They were even on the kitchen worktops next to the toaster,...
The Royal Cornwall Show beats everything.
Merry-go-rounds, Britain in Bloom, flower arranging, garden-in-a-box, huntsmen, otter hounds, prize winning holsteins, tractors, morris men. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
At St. Buryan Church in West Penwith.
There are three or four new ‘kneelers’ – the flat cushions that preserve the knees of the devout – in the pews at St. Buryan Church every year. Shelia Hosking began making them in...
No Life without Trees : Ann Stokes, potter.
Ann Stokes (b.1922) began making these trees about half a dozen years ago, ceramic trunks which grow upwards, section by section, and branches with a bosky canopy, each leaf of which she cuts out...
A Farewell to Hanham Court.
Julian and Isabel Bannerman, Ismay, Rex and Bertie don’t live at Hanham Court any more. When they gave their farewell party last summer the gardens for which they and Hanham have become justly famous were...
Alice Pattullo, artist and designer.
Alice is an artist and printmaker whose work is firmly vested in the very best traditions of twentieth century design and illustration. She knows about and sees the point of Barbara Jones, Edward Bawden, Eric...